Monday, December 3, 2012

Comm461:Cultural Events Blog

For my cultural assignment I visited a lot of shows and gathering on Shepherd University campus. Four out of the 5 events were Shepherd University based. However, I left Shepherdstown for the fifth event which was a movie called
Paranormal activity 4, which was pretty sucky because the sequel was being dragged on too long and it got played out. The other four events were a pianist concert by Caroline Hong which I enjoy because I love music and also because she did a good job. I also saw an alumni exhibition in the frank center and it was a bit interest but I think the artist which was is Shepherd University grad, did not excite me too much with her comic artwork. Nevertheless it was interesting. I also saw a video about recycling in Reynolds Hall, which I enjoyed because I am totally pro-recycling. I went to a concert in the frank center consisting of the Shepherd University Men’s Choir, Women’s Camerata, Vocal Jazz Octet, and the Chamber Singer. I enjoyed that concert because it was versified and unique.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Comm461: Blog12: Capstone-Commercial:Poster Session

The poster session was basically like a rollercoaster ride. I was nervous about presenting my presentation. I thought that there were going to be more people there so i was anxious and jitter all week but when i got there i saw a very small portion of what i expected. Long story short i was nervous for nothing. However, i did enjoy the fact we had any audience at all. I got to share my interest as well as learn more about the interest of my peers. I also got to learn how to go about creating the projects of my classmates. I learned how simple it is to to create a high quality website and much time and money is spent into it. I also learn how rewarding it is to do something you actually feel passionate about instead of trying to cut corners and doing what you think is easy. Coming into this capstone i was nervous about creating something that was we label as "professional" because i didn’t feel comfortable taking that responsibility of professionally running my own advertising production company, so i tried to do was easy and found out it was harder and learn to do what you love. I wish the audience at the poster session were larger so i could spread the word about my advertising ability and commercial producing skills. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blog10 Comm461: Commerical For Client

Since I have changed my project to a commercial advertisement i have been working with the client Hempen Hill BBQ. They are located in the Hagerstown Maryland area. I am trying to create a commercial video advertisement and promotional video to tell potential customers a good bit about this around barbeque spot that has been out since 2005. I was kind of a good coincident that I contacted them to complete my capstone because the owner told me that they were looking for some to make a commercial for them. 

Now we have been working for 3 days discussing through phone and face-to-face about what they would like to see in the commercial and also what i think would be good, creative and marketable for the restaurant. 

So far I have developed the 4-scenes layout/blueprint of the commercial and how I would like it to be projected as. The theme for the commercial is to show the highlight the attributes and talented servicers and good quality of food that is prepared. The owner is also going to shoot me an email of some more ideas that she has. The owner will get people (their staff) who want to be in the commercial. This week I am going to write the might-be-script, rent lights from school, and get a shot of the band that plays there. I will shoot more scenes after me and the owner have the second meeting.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blog9:Cmm461:Result From Presentation

I presented the website and it was too shallow lacking the essential pages and content needed to project the image I was looking for. My professors and I decide it was best to just stick to what I am interested in doing as a career. I have the passion for persuasion therefore my project is now directed towards me working on a commercial for a small town business like a restaurant or a nightclub.

I called 5 restaurants in the Hagerstown Maryland area and got spoke with two storeowners where one declined. 

I have 4 more businesses to call and set up a shoot before Thursday.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blog 8: I'm starting over

I am throwing all my previous content out and collecting free non-copyright materials from creative commons. I thought by just cropping out the faces/heads of the modeling in the images would be acceptable but i wasn't so i am starting over. The site still looks the same. I have made new brand logo images. The brand logo is actually just the name it self. The name and definitions of the five world used to make up the name pretty much symbolizes our brand.

Searching for clothes on creative commons is harder than i thought. There are more pictures of people than pictures of clothing.

Still searching and find clothes, i can say i found about 20 pieces of clothes so far...

..still searching but our web site is already built and only needs content.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blog7:Comm461:Capstone: Ordering Up hyperlinks

I still have more editing to do in Photoshop where I have to change the names of the clothes and cut the head of the models off and had it into the hyperlink in the web page. I have been creating and tweaking banners for the web site and creating new logos and word art for the department store name.  I am almost done with the over all layout of the site. This is a photo of how the site looks now after three face-lifts and social networks links added in. I have to create accounts for the social networking sites and activate them. Then I have to finish editing the clothing images and model images and add them to the site because this is not a real company that people can order from yet I do not need to make links to PayPal. Before I am done editing the images in Photoshop I need to also shoot a video of me modeling some clothes that I bought and add music to that clip and add it to the site. This is my most recent progression. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Blog6:Comm461:Capstone: Progress

It's been about a week and some day and i have been working hands on building with

Now that I have all my content (clothing and accessories for the website I am now working in Photoshop to crop and cut down on size. In Photoshop I have also started making the images more ascetically attractive for the website. For example I have been reducing the saturation to make the colors stand out more to give the images that HD quality feel.

The name of my department store was changing for a bit but now I have come to a final discision.

Final Discision:

Bi'enJacie  |  (BNJC)  | (Brillant,Natural,[Jaunty,Jazzy,Jinogistic],Charismatic)

First I stated off by using a make-believe name I created thanks to my quick-witted professor name Monica. The name was Tracys, and Stacys until I made the project a little more person by incorporating my own title that I created sometime ago in my later teenage life.

I've been working with reordering the hyperlinks to the correct online retail format. The webpage keeps on trashing because I am up loading lots of images at once. So I have been rebooting the website.

This week after I meet with my director Jason I will shoot clips of me modeling a few outfit for a intro video to the website.