The first thing i understood in the first week of class was that we would need to be influent in the language of multimedia. We would have to learn how to understand how sound, pictures, videos and other mediums are used to communicate a specific message to a specific market for a specific reason.
I learned that to be in the multimedia communication field you would have to be able to handle constance travel or job change. For instance, you might have to switch from being the "light man" to being the "sound man," but a couple of weeks ago you were the "sound editor." In another case you might have to transfer to another production company because you are a floater with your license to travel. I acknowledged my own perspective on the various communication mediums and how i could use them to gain a career and make a more-than-sustainable income. I understood i would have to change my persona as young adult to a more stern and discipline adult.
We was thought to use imagery and words and videos to express ourself. We used our information and computer skill to be literate in and critical thinking projects. Writing blogs were a way to see if we could use quick critical thinking to produce accurate understandable information to the readers.
My blogging skills will get me a job in up-to-the-minute news stations that needs information to be found, researched and quickly uploaded or broadcasted. Critical thinking is the skill that will lead me to managing the live editing in a production studio or a news channel like CNN. I was told my professor in my new media class that there would be many jobs in the mass communication field because people will always have to communicate. The course is basically about the media that we are using and are about to be using. We also covered the past and the media that was used back in the days. Knowing the past about the media and mediums that were used to communicate to masses will help me understand the value of the communication tools that we have now and that will cause me to used the equipment with care. I would also value the ease of the job knowing that back in the past the work was much harder. I learned how to produce a graphic novel using multimedia applications like comic life and adobe photoshop. I could use these skills to produce novels for magazines companies. I could also use my graphic novel skills for web advertising or managing the imagery department in a firm. It was mandatory for me to understand the art of videography. I learned the difference between the film, television and music video when it comes to producing each one. I am able to use my knowledge to make any video look like a music video, a film, or television clip. I learned how to use Final Cut and the Adobe Suite Products to edit all kinds of images and video clips. I learn 3 point light, with the fill light to fill in the shadows, the key light which is the essential light covering the main parts of the subject or object. My lighting skills can get me a positing in a studio working with light, Just my knowledge of proper lighting can assisting me in editing the outdoor and highly lit indoor shots. I learn the storytelling formate and how a time-based media like live broadcasting works. I am about to working for a radio station or live online station. We learned a little bit about all the media and mediums of communication. We covered radio, music, digital advertising, magazines, journalism, television, photography, comic, graphic literature, communication imagery, to videography. All these skill will transcend into useable employment tools.
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