Friday, January 27, 2012

I'm Right Minded, A Right Brainer like ME is Conceptual

I only see me succeeding in the conceptual world if I be creative and understanding to new styles and new ideals. I will have to be open-minded to divers opinions, thinking and ways of life. Being embracing of new methods of accomplishing any given task at hand. I am likely to succeed financially if i stay creative, and improve my creativity skills. I should also be practicing my cognitive skills if i want to be competitive as a thinker.   

I computer can not do the creative things better than me. A computer can not even be creative. It has no chance in being a creator. I was created as a tool for the human creator. A computer can only assist a creative person. The creative person being the essential and independent factor. As long as i have skills and creativity that is in demand i will have job in the work force.

I would use design to get involve and engaged in the sense say for example if i were the director of a film i would also be the choreographer on projection. Thats and example of me being helpful to the team and getting involve.

I would use stories to be narrative in my structures and functions. I'll try to have some connectivity in my productivity.

I would use symphony to be more innovative. For example, im a producer for a music video and i needed a dummy rocket ship i would not buy it i would just build it.

I would use empathy to  add emotions to my products and services. For example i am a ceo for toy company and i decide to have the children emotionally attached to the toys, and we find out what are the most attractive child safe aromas for boys and girls their own group. I used intuition by thinking about the future by thinking about what if, what if we added amoras to toys to get that child like attractions.

I would add play into my mixture of success by always staying joyful, cheerful and easy to work with.

I would always keep meaning in my craft and talent to keep passion for power to over accomplish and out do the next guy or the competition. Or just to do what the boss wants but more.

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