I feel like the Song Airline campaign contrasted from the strategies seen in the political campaign videos of Rosser Reeves. They did not use the right techniques. Song Airlines did not persuade the people the way the political candidates did in the videos. They tried to used pathos but they did not back it up with any understanding of the brand. They did not address to the public what was the product or the service they were trying to sell. The only thing Song airlines did was give a sense of calmness and happiness. They should have directed their viewers to the source of that calm and happy feel, which would have been images of the actual airlines and airplanes. Their campaign was too vague. It left most people very clueless. Especially for a new brand coming into the marketing world, the vague approach it not the smartest even if you're using pathos. It was a waste of the pathos' technique. They should have used some good ol' brand description.
Unlike the Song airlines campaign, the Rosser Reeves political commercials were a success for some candidates. President Eisenhower was having a hell of a victory using the right language and simplicity ethos. He also used songs and sing-alongs. Eisenhower played the good guy that didn't know the answer but knew what he would do. He talked about changed like Obama and sold his credibility. The Eisenhower ads connected with the people's understanding and some times used logos to back him up. For example he said because he knew how to run troops in a war he could also run a country. You have to get an understand of what or who you are through to your target audience before you can use the ethos, pathos, or logos methode.